Feed Safety

It is the responsibility of the Feed Safety program to ensure the quality of all commercial feed products manufactured, sold or distributed in Kansas. The feed program's major objectives are:
  • Safeguarding both human and animal health
  • Promoting safe and effective nutrition of livestock and pets
  • Verifying and ensuring truth in labeling of commercial feed products

For consumer protection all feed manufacturers, transporters, distributors/retailers and animal production facilities are subject to random inspections and sampling to assure compliance with state and federal feed safety and labeling regulations.​

  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Inspections

  • Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

FSMA Compliance for Feed Mills

The Food Safety Modernization Act was signed into law a decade ago, and its resulting rules have a broad impact to ensure the safety of both human and animal food. Many large animal food entities have dedicated staff to help their facility understand and comply with these rules. Medium and small animal food facilities are less likely to have staff with the background or previous training in animal food hygiene and regulatory compliance, which may impact their ability to comply with these rules.

This informational series of videos has been developed to assist small and medium Kansas feed manufacturers comply with rules associated with the Food Safety Modernization Act.

The video series was produced by Dr. Cassie Jones, Animal Sciences and Industry Professor/Teaching Coordinator at Kansas State University.

Video 1: What is FSMA and the preventive controls for Animal Food Rule?

Video 2: Does FSMA impact me?

Video 3: What do I need to do?

Video 4: What are my hazards?

Video 5: How can I control hazards?

Additional Resources:

Example Food Safety Plan

Example Prerequisite Programs 

  1. Prerequisite Program for Metals
  2. Prerequisite Program for Aflatoxin, Fumonisin, and Vomitoxin
  3. Prerequisite Program for Animal Drug Contamination
  4. Prerequisite Program for Copper Toxicity in Sheep Feed

Example Preventative Control Program

Fillable Food Safety Plan

Hazard Analysis Database