Statutes and Laws for the Food Safety and Lodging Program

Food Code Updates

The Kansas Food Code is the regulation that sets the food safety requirements for Food Establishments in Kansas. Food Establishments are food businesses that sell food directly to customers, for example restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, school meal programs, and bars.

The Kansas Food Code is based on the U.S. FDA's Model Food Code. The Model Food Code is updated every two years with input from various stakeholders through the Conference for Food Protection.

Updates to the Model Food Code are evaluated for adoption in the Kansas Food Code. Updates to the Kansas Food Code are proposed through an informal public input process before being submitted to the formal adoption into the Kansas Administrative Regulations. The most recent adoption was completed this year and the current Kansas Food Code took effect on June 2, 2023.

A summary of the changes from the 2012 Kansas Food Code to the 2022 Kansas Food Code is available here.
Before the most recent update, a public forum was held July 12, 2021, to share the proposed updates to the Kansas Food Code and to offer the opportunity for citizens and licensees to provide input and feedback. View recording of the public forum.